Why we created this study?

Blacks and Latinx have almost twice the rates of emergency room visits and asthma-related deaths compared to White patients.
Puerto Ricans have almost 4 times the asthma-related death rate compared to White patients.
The PREPARE (Person EmPowered Asthma Relief) study was a pragmatic trial created to find a way to help improve asthma outcomes for Black and Latinx patients with moderate to severe asthma.
What happened in the study?

The PREPARE study was conducted at 19 sites in mainland United States and Puerto Rico from 2017 to 2021.
The study included 603 African American/Black adults and 598 Hispanic/Latinx adults ages 18–75 years with poorly controlled asthma.
There was only one in-person study visit. At that visit, participants were randomized (like a roll of the dice) into one of two groups: PARTICS (Patient-Activated Reliever-Triggered Inhaled Corticosteroid) plus usual care (intervention) or Usual Care (UC) alone (control).